dive with manta rays
Discover our manta ray feeding station!"
Mocean Dive Resort is fortunate to have a manta ray feeding station called “Ju-Ju’s Jackpot”.
Named “Ju-Ju’s Jackpot” after our first dive instructor Julie, the feeding station boasts a pristine reef with large schools of anthias, surgeon fish and snappers, as well as black and white tip reef sharks. Our manta rays can be regularly seen “chain feeding”. This is a process in which the manta rays line up in a train and move across the water column together, leaving their cephalic fins and mouths open to sweep up plankton. The manta rays usually make several passes along the water column in this formation, making it an unforgettable experience to watch as they pass us directly overhead.
One special treat is seeing our resident ninja manta ray “Polong”. His name in the Sasak language translates to “bro”. Polong is referred to as ninja because he is melanistic. With pigment that is darker than most mantas, Polong is almost entirely back except for a very recognizable patch of white on the front of his belly. With such distinct markings, we can point him out almost daily.